works in progress

I have been working on a social network page of my works in progress! This shows some of my steps and supplies I use to create some of the pieces you see on my page here and some that are still not quite finished! I share my success and my failures. If you want a sneak peak at what is on the way check it out!

Next project ideas!

I have a few ideas for my next project! Right now I have been working with mostly clay and I have been working with a mold of my hand. I have made a vase so far that turned out really well and Im pretty happy with it! I have a few ideas for projects but I’m having a hard time deciding what to do first! Comment to vote on which idea you would like to see most!

1. A clay figure in yoga position

2. A bust made from porcelain in large scale

3. A bowl series made of hands that have an extra dish area attached for sandwich or crackers

4. An abstract piece to represent the feelings of distraction and hyper focus

5. A large porcelain tree

6. A clay representation of a fetus in a womb

Just click the Facebook icon and share with your favorite choice or comment in the reply box below to vote on your favorite idea for my next project to come!

What is art and why I need to create.

Close your eyes! Imagine the most beautiful image in the world. How does it make you feel? Now how can you create something to express this so others can feel it too? This is to me the backbone of art. It’s the images within and the expression of them. The first time I knew I needed to create was when I was about three years old. I remember sitting at a table as my mother made a paper chain of little girls. I imagined myself not as an artist but as a traveler experiencing life. Going to new cultures seeing the museums, buildings, and experiencing in the cultures and foods of places I’ve never been. This is how I realized that I wanted to be an artist. I knew I needed to create things. I knew that I was passionate and moved by experiences. I loved beauty.

Now not all art is to express the most beautiful feelings but beauty is my favorite to experience. I love seeing beautiful art that leaves a happy feeling. Art makes our lives infinitely richer. Art stimulates different parts of our brains to make us laugh or to provoke grief or anxiety. The part of art that seems to hold me back was that I felt I wouldn’t be good enough to make money as an artist. I loved to create but how would I have time or money for supplies without a job.

The most impacting decision I ever made was to go to school for art. I knew that I loved having a job and working but I did not always love my jobs. Now I’m making a future to be able to work on the things I love. In going to school I’ve learned that art is everywhere. You might say, “Art is in a constant state of change, or Art is subjective” Launching the Imagination (a guide to three-demintional design) second edition. Mary Stewart. However I have found that most people can agree on what is good. Even someone with out prior art education can agree that some thing with good design elements is pleasing to look at.

For example, at a construction sight a pile of wood is purely functional. There is no meaning behind the stacking and there is no aesthetic intention. In contrast if you look at a pile of wood from another perspective that is strategically placed you will see there is meaning to

the arrangement. “It is through the transformation of tangible materiel into ideas and emotions that a sculpture gains significance.” Launching the Imagination, Mary Stewart.

Art is such a large part of our everyday lives that we may have desensitized ourselves to it. Art is expression. Expression is really a vague word. You can express a meaning or feeling many ways. There are many forms of art like, singing, dancing and acting (that are examples of performance art), Poetry/literary art, and painting which is a visual art. Some art is interactive like the reflective bean in Chicago Illinois. This bean that I once stood under myself is massive and like a fun house mirror. Reflecting your image in the unique curvature of a giant bean. Art is everywhere. And I believe it cannot be defined because it is infinitely changing and growing as people evolve and technology changes. Sometimes art makes us unsure, uncomfortable, or bewildered. It can feel like an awkward pause caught in a moment where it’s unexpected or like a feeling of madness. For me art is an escape from the mundane. It is a chance to create or express to be closer to the universe. Its about being in tune with your’ existence. Expression through art sets us apart from the animal kingdom and feeds our humanity. It is important to our happiness. Some art is historical and familiar. It is a symbol of timelessness and creative advancement. Some art is religious and represents something spiritual and personal. It fills us with god or curiosity of existence.

I have hopes and fears for art in the future. I worry about it being pushed aside as unimportant. And I expect it to thrive regardless because art is human nature. Today I leave you hoping that you are inspired and hoping that you remember it is your responsibility as an artist to create. Close your eyes. Imagine something intriguing, something inspiring. Find a way to share it with everyone.